How to Find the Right People at the Right Time for Your Growing Company

A healthy business is one that is growing. As your company expands, you'll need additional people to keep up with the increased demand. However, your company may be expanding at such a rapid pace that you are unable to attract and hire individuals quickly enough.

According to Glassdoor research, the average time of a hiring process in the United States is 23 days. Unfortunately, when your company is rapidly expanding, you can't always afford to wait to hire new employees. You can't, however, afford the significant expenditures and potential tragedies that come with poor hiring decisions.

So, how can you keep up with rapid expansion without falling into the trap of quick hiring? Here are some ideas for speeding up the hiring process without losing quality.

Make your interview process more efficient.

Examine your interview procedure if it's taking too long to find the suitable candidate. Many businesses face this problem as a result of having too many interview stages for eligible candidates to complete. Do you require many phone interviews with practically every member of your staff, followed by two or three in-person interviews? To analyze your prospects' talents, limit yourself to two to three interviews (phone and in-person) and utilize some of the other procedures outlined in this article, including as background checks, reference calls, and skills tests.

Make job descriptions that are specific.

The expectations for the position should be clearly stated in your job description. Outline the role's duties, as well as the skills and qualities that the ideal candidate will need to succeed. It will be much easier to look through resumes and dismiss those that aren't a good fit if you have this information written down and in hand. You'll only spend time conversing with the most qualified candidates.

Attract a diverse group of candidates.

If you're dissatisfied by the length of time it takes to discover the ideal candidate, it's possible that the issue is that you're not drawing a large enough application pool. Asking current employees to recommend people they know for new roles is a terrific approach to recruit. Offer a monetary incentive if the applicant is recruited and works successfully for the organization for a set amount of time during their probationary period (usually 90 days). Using a staffing firm or a recruiter might also be beneficial.

Using free internet resources like or Glassdoor, purchasing ad space on relevant trade websites and industry job boards, and publishing on your company's social media networks are all cost-effective strategies to publicize the job.

Inquire about references right away.

Checking references is another excellent approach to determine whether or not candidates are telling the truth about their work experience. This can assist you in swiftly gaining trust in the person or people you are recruiting. To save time, don't ask for references until you've narrowed down your candidate pool to two or three finalists. Checking the references of top applicants early in the hiring process (maybe between phone and in-person interviews) might save you a surprising amount of time.

Make yourself stand out from the competitors.

Consider sweetening your offer if you're having trouble recruiting good applicants because you're losing them to the competition. While few small businesses have an unlimited budget for salary and benefits, offering competitive packages and appealing employee incentives that help you recruit and retain the right individuals can save you money in the long run.

Working with a professional employer organization (PEO) can assist you in providing a competitive and comprehensive benefits package to your employees. This allows your small firm to compete with larger companies by providing a service that is comparable to theirs. This might help you attract and keep crucial individuals of your team.

To summarize, there are numerous advantages to expediting the hiring process, but only if it is done strategically and without haste. You'll be able to identify the perfect people to help your expanding company, avoid the productivity costs of a long and winding hiring process, and hire the best prospects before they're hired by someone else.

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