Signs You Should Change Your Job

Are you experiencing misery, dissatisfaction, and/or burnout in your present position? Is it difficult to get oneself out of bed in the morning and even more difficult to get through the entire workday? Certainly not by yourself. Or perhaps you enjoy your work but aren't making the professional advancements you'd like to in a timely manner. Here are several indicators that it's actually time to change careers, whatever the circumstances.

1. You are not properly compensated

One TikToker developed an anonymous pay tracker on a Google spreadsheet, which has collected over 61,000 posts between December 5, 2021, and the end of January 2022. Salary transparency is a prominent topic. You should be aware of the appropriate compensation for the labor you do, and don't worry—there are employers who pay. It's time to quit your job if you know you aren't getting paid fairly for the work you do and the company has no intentions to increase your pay. Don't waste time wishing they would change their minds. They will not.

2. There are no chances for advancement

Any business you work with ought to have a distinct growth strategy. Growth is more than a new title or promotion (although those are very important)—your company should demonstrate additional ways they support you as an employee, whether that's through initiatives for skills development, mentoring, or tuition reimbursement, so you can see clearly if your company is investing in you and your future. In the end, it helps them keep talent, not just you. Time to leave if they fail to see that.

3. You lack work-life balance and are overburdened.

Your boundaries aren't respected, you've tried every trick in the book, and the workday never ends. The company has had you doing their tasks plus yours for the past year because two employees quit, and instead of trying to fill the roles, you. Even when you take a break, you come back somehow. It's time to consider other options if you've tried everything to strike a healthy work-life balance but still feel overburdened by your task and see no signs of a shift in the near future.

4. Your employer does not offer flexible work schedules.

A great deal of us have discovered throughout the pandemic that many of our tasks may be completed from any location with internet connectivity. People have been able to locate better housing because to this independence, which has also made it possible for them to travel more and spend it more meaningfully with their family. What was once the exception is now the rule, so if your firm doesn't provide flexible work schedules but you want them, it's time to look for one that does.

5. You do not align with your company’s values

Company mission and values are vital to any working environment; but, you’ll sometimes find their mission and stated values do not match the reality. Or you might find you just can’t accept something you thought you’d be ok with. Sometimes you will have an opportunity to influence or change your company’s core beliefs, but listen to your instincts—if there’s no rectifying this issue, there’s not much you can do but leave.