Prepare for the Job Market in 2022

Some individuals equate the New Year with shedding those extra pounds gained over the holidays, learning a new language, or achieving other personal objectives. However, it's also peak recruitment season: many businesses receive new hiring funds in January, so this is often the time of year when they hire new personnel.

You could be worried that further COVID versions and inflation would spoil the picture for 2022, but there are plenty of reasons to be positive. None of this is exempt from high-level experts. Here's how to take advantage of the current scenario and position yourself for success in 2022.

The Projection for 2022

Allow me to make the case for why I'm so positive about the employment market in 2022 before we get into what you can do to prepare yourself.

1. Labor Shortfall: We've all heard about the Great Resignation of 2021, in which an unprecedented number of Americans left the employment permanently or temporarily, resulting in a labor shortage for many businesses and industries. According to some economists, this pattern will continue in 2022, with several vacancies from 2021 existing and new ones springing up.

Given that December is one of the slowest hiring months, we may expect recruiters to work overtime in January and February to fill openings. As a result, job seekers will not only have more opportunities to pick from, but they will also have greater control over pay, benefits, and working conditions. All the more reason to be well-prepared for the month ahead.

2. Economic Recovery: Given that COVID and inflation are possible risks to positive employment market developments, saying that we're on our road to economic recovery may seem inconsistent. However, there are numerous signs that beneficial changes are taking place.

For example, in November 2021, President Joe Biden signed an infrastructure package that calls for more over $1 trillion in investment in roads, broadband, and other construction projects in the United States. More jobs are likely to be created in 2022 and beyond, primarily in the construction industry, but there will be spillover effects in other industries as well.

In general, forecasts show that GDP will grow by 3.5 percent in 2022, when sectors such as tourism and entertainment reopen and demand for the services they provide rises to new heights. Although Omicron and other COVID variations may put this in jeopardy at first, we should see a robust comeback by the end of the year.

What You Can Do Now to Get Ready

Now that you're convinced it's worthwhile to hope for 2022, let's get down to business with some practical advice on how to make it happen.

1. Clean up your social media: While some may argue that the start of the year should be a time of rest after the holidays, it's also a great opportunity to tie up loose ends and do those low-priority activities you put off the previous year.

For many people, keeping up with social media is at the top of their to-do list. When was the last time you took a fresh look at your LinkedIn profile and updated your summary section? Maybe you've been putting off creating your LinkedIn profile for a while. If that's the case, it's time to get started on yours.

Because they've progressed far enough in their careers without it, high-level professionals are frequently the most guilty of not using their LinkedIn profiles to their full potential. However, optimizing your profile for specific keywords (such as utilizing certain terms in your headline) and allowing recruiters to contact you makes finding the appropriate job much easier. Once you've set it up right, it's job-hunting on autopilot, so it's well worth investing a few hours of your time up front.

2. Let your network know you're looking: If you've gotten to the stage in your career where you're looking for director, vice president, or executive-level positions, it's safe to assume you've built up a sizable network as you've progressed up the corporate ladder. Why not put that network to good use by contacting your connections and informing them that you're looking for a new job?

The holiday season provides an excellent time to rekindle old friendships. By wishing folks a happy new year, you've created an easy entry point into a conversation, which can easily lead to catching up and a casual mention that you're looking for a new job. With any luck, you'll be able to secure a few interviews.

3. Gain clarity: In addition to practical chores such as reaching out to others and boosting your social media presence, the start of a new year can be an excellent opportunity to reflect. You certainly know what you're strong at and which kind of firms are most likely to recruit you at this point in your career, but do you know what you actually want to accomplish?

When we spend every waking hour on the daily grind, it's all too easy to lose our sense of purpose, so it's important taking at least a few days to consider the types of responsibilities that are most meaningful to you. Is it time to think about changing careers?

What's the matter with the New Year's blues?

To avoid disappointment, it's always a good idea to have a healthy dose of skepticism, but 2022 is shaping up to be a fantastic year for high-level professionals seeking for job. Even said, an optimistic view doesn't imply you should expect everything to be delivered to you on a silver platter - so start planning now!