7 Strategies for Sustaining Motivation at Work

It sounds like you had a simple start to 2022. working out, doing well at work, and being extremely enthusiastic about your resolutions. How is September coming along? You are not alone if you feel like you lack motivation. In fact, data indicate that after the first month, more than 50% of people forget their resolutions. That's not an excuse, but life does happen. At work is one place where you really don't want to lose that drive. I'll give you seven tips to help you stay inspired at work.

1. Begin your day the right way

Set your alarm 30 minutes to an hour early if you typically rush. Perhaps you might start rising earlier so that you don't have to rush. The first few days might not be the ideal, but as soon as your body adjusts, everything will be fine. If getting up early is not a problem, take steps to prepare yourself for positive reinforcement. Here are some suggestions for enhancing your morning routine:

  • Workout first thing in the morning.

  • Make your own coffee and savor it for 10 minutes.

  • Write in a gratitude journal about the things you have.

2. Savor your environment

Having fun in your surroundings makes it much simpler to stay motivated. You don't have to hate your desk just because you might dread going to work (I hope not, but it's possible). If you have a desk or cubicle of your own, personalize it. Add some little plants, nice office accessories, or photographs to the wall.

3. Set smart goals

How would you know what you wanted out of life without goals? In the office, the same holds true. How can you advance in your career if you don't have any goals? Nobody wants to spend their entire lives in the same position with the same duties, so start making some goals. Divide the objectives into smaller, more manageable activities. If you have a large, intimidating job in front of you, start by organizing the tasks you can complete to aid in its completion. Additionally, achieving little goals keeps you inspired to complete larger ones.

4. Surround yourself with optimistic individuals

Everyone has encountered those individuals who seem to have a complaint for everything. Although it's simple to take their words with a grain of salt, you start to feel down yourself after hearing so much negativity. Separate yourself from coworkers who can't seem to stop talking about the negative things in a nice manner. Alter the subject, dash to the bathroom, or inform them that you must return to work. Surround yourself at work with people that inspire you and are upbeat.

5. Honor little victories

Celebrate your successes whenever you complete a task, receive praise from a coworker or your manager, or complete a goal at work. If you are always looking forward to a long-term reward, it is easy to lose sight of the smaller victories that will eventually lead to it. When the end objective is far off, it is much harder to stay motivated. Instead, give yourself credit for your small successes and keep going.

6. Learn in your spare time

Did you complete your day's work early? Have you completed all of your weekly obligations? Utilize this much-needed downtime to learn rather than idle around doing nothing. Does your employer provide resources for learning and development? What wellness options are there for staff members? Consider how you can learn more about your current position or the position you seek. If nothing is accessible, ask someone you like if they would be willing to offer their experience or advice on how to advance in the workplace.

7. Recognize when to stop

When you live and breathe work, how can you maintain motivation? It's impossible to avoid burnout, and that's never helpful for motivation. Know when to switch off work mode after your workday is ended. A glass of wine and your favorite TV await you at home. You can also meet up with friends or family or work on your side business. Knowing when to leave work will offer you some time to rest so that you are ready for the next workday.