5 Ways to Hire the Right Employee

Hiring the incorrect candidate is a costly and time-consuming error. Here are five tips to help you find and hire the best candidates for your company.

Finding the right employee can be difficult, whether it's your first, tenth, or hundredth. Writing the perfect job description, reviewing resumes, conducting phone and in-person interviews, and fielding inquiries from prospective candidates can all take time. However, the time and money saved by not hiring the wrong person makes the lengthy process worthwhile.

By employing the proper strategies, you can ensure that you make the best decision every time. Here are five pointers to help you find and hire the right employees for your business.

1. Create a job description that is geared toward candidates.

A great job description is essential for attracting top talent. It's similar to marketing in that you need to fully understand the type of person you want to attract before writing a job description that appeals directly to that individual. Otherwise, you risk attracting unqualified candidates who will not be a good fit.

You should also avoid the traditional bullet list of job duties and requirements. According to The Wall Street Journal, job descriptions that emphasize responsibilities and requirements can turn off candidates and prevent them from applying. Job descriptions that emphasize what the company can do for candidates receive a higher response rate than those that emphasize the company's expectations for the candidate.

2. Make your recruitment marketing process more creative.

Don't just post your job description on job board sites like Indeed or Glassdoor after you've written it. Job seekers frequently use social media platforms to find new opportunities. Posting your job opening on Facebook, LinkedIn, and even Instagram is an excellent way to reach out to the right candidates, particularly millennials and Gen-Z candidates.

3. Change up your interview procedure.

In larger companies, the interview process is often a well-rehearsed dance. You and the candidate sit across from each other at a conference table or desk, recapping their resume and asking general questions about their experience and skills.

To find the best new hire for your team, consider holding your interview outside of the conference room to observe how the candidates interact with your employees. Do they appear enthusiastic about joining the company? Do they inquire about your employees' jobs and show an interest in what they do? Do they treat everyone with dignity, regardless of title?

Patty Stonesifer, CEO of Martha's Table and former top Microsoft executive, says in a New York Times article that walking candidates through the office gives her a good sense of whether or not she'll want to work with them.

"I’ll stop and introduce them to a half-dozen people, and see if it’s just a handshake or whether there’s some curiosity and interest”

3. Look for candidates who have the right personality for the job and for your company.

Specific skill sets and education are commonly used as benchmarks for finding the right candidates when reviewing resumes. It's important to remember, however, that while hard skills can be learned, the right personality and people skills cannot.

You want to find candidates who will fit in with your current employees and the culture of your company. A willingness to jump right in and a desire to join your company are especially important in new hires, so approach the interview process, including any initial phone screenings, with the goal of assessing that candidate's soft skills and overall personality.

4. Don't settle for the first candidate who comes along.

The most important thing to remember when searching for the right candidate is not to settle. If your first round of applicants is unsuccessful, go back to the candidate drawing board rather than hiring someone who isn't a good fit for the position.

If you're still having trouble finding the right people, consider looking within your own employee talent pool. Current employees looking for a new challenge may be the best candidates for an open position.